Turf Tips
Choose the right service provider
We have collected the best sustainable practices, which could save existing and future pitch-owners a small fortune.
Recycling of both grass carpet and infill – almost 100% material recovery is possible – if you choose the right service provider.
A number of domestic and foreign market players offer services with relation to disposal of artificial turf pitches. Unfortunately, these players may not all have access to the recycling technology, which they market. Various media reports highlight cases where used turf pitches are discarded in the middle of a forest or are incinerated – even if the pitch-owner thought he had paid for a sustainable recycling process. To avoid being charged with environmental crimes, pitch- owners should consider making a few checks prior to signing the order for waste disposal.
- Ask the company to provide a certificate from the national authorities confirming that the company is cleared to transport and handle specifically artificial synthetic turf pitches, which in most countries are classified as not-listed waste and thus requirering requiring special expertise.
- Ask the company for a copy of the latest Annual Accounts just to verify that you are dealing with a waste processing company in existence. Lately, companies, which are registered as recycling factories, have approached pitch owners – however, they only buy enough electricity to run office equipment.
- Ask for a detailed, written description of the recycling method used by the company. Especially, you will want to check the recycling level and you want to know how the company will dispose of residual waste materials. Please be aware that some recycling companies have obtained an ETV certification, which provides certainty of that the recycling is done in a sustainable manner.
- Even if removal of your old, used pitch may be part of a total contract for a new artificial synthetic turf system, then you are recommended to make the above checks. If you have second thoughts about the answers, then you are recommended to split the contract providing you with the opportunity to enter into a disposal contract with another service provider. Usually disposal contracts for artificial synthetic turf systems cost less than DKK 500,000 (EUR 70.000), which is the cut off for tenders. You may therefore enter into a separate waste disposal contract directly with your preferred recycling company.
- In your search process for a sustainable recycling company, you may want to pay special attention to market players, which have recently invested in state-of-the-art recycling facilities. Today you have the option to enter into an agreement with a service provider, which can see to that the material fractions from your old turf pitch system is recycled by almost 100% – and the correlating CO2 emission is only 5% of the emission which will be released if you choose to send your used turf pitch for incineration.
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E: info@re-match.com
Re-Match A/S
HI-Park 415
7400 Herning