Reporting of transactions in Re-Match’s shares by person closely associated with persons discharging managerial responsibilities

Company announcement 3/2023 – Herning, Denmark, 1 March 2023 – Re-Match Holding A/S (“Re-Match” and the “Company”), a pioneer within sustainable recycling of artificial turf, has received a notification pursuant to article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation by a person closely associated with persons discharging managerial responsibilities with information of a transaction made in Re-Match’s shares. Reference is made to the attached notification.

In connection with the directed issue of new shares to Nordic Alpha Partners Fund I K/S, Nordic Alpha Partners Fund I K/S (closely associated to members of the board of directors Laurits Bach Sørensen and Jakob Fuhr Hansen), has on 1 March 2023 subscribed for 714,285 new shares in Re-Match of nominally DKK 1 each at a price of DKK 7 per share. Reference is also made to company announcement no. 1/2023 and 2/2023 dated 1 March 2023.

For more info please contact:
Media: Martin Plambek, CMO, +45 5211 1125,

Certified Advisor: 
Daniel Sand
Beierholm Corporate Finance P/S
Østergade 26B
1100 Copenhagen

